Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ummmm, duh

     God, I hate it when I have an idea and it disappears just when I' ready to write about it.  My head has been so messed up this year it's getting scary.  You know, I cannot remember anything from my Associate's degree classes?  Not a damn thing.  I remember having math classes that turned my brain into mush.  My tutor tried so hard to get me to learn that stuff, but the second an equation popped up on the screen I literally felt all knowledge vanish.  Seriously, what was there, was not during the math.  I remember a geology course, a social studies course, some kind of menial anatomy course, and a software class.  I swear to you, I remember nothing from them.  Well, at least I have a degree, fat lot of good that'll do me.
     Now I'm working on my Bachelor's in health care administration.  Do I remember anything from those courses?  Very little.  I remember nothing from trying to read the texts, but I have managed to maintain a B average, so far.  Most of what we've been learning in the classes is subjects that I already know from all the info I've managed to absorb from television, personal experience and plain old common sense.  It will be nice to have that degree, but I'll probably end up with basic management jobs.  Maybe I'll save yself some trouble and open my own business so I can run it my way instead of having to follow someone else's rules. 
     Anyway, this isn't the subject I intended to discuss, but at least i made a post today. 
     Oh, goody.  NOW I remember what I wanted to write about.  Now, that's a true brain fart.

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