Tuesday, August 2, 2011

New to the world of blogging

     Hello World, sorry I'm tardy to the party.  This is my first ever attempt at blogging so your help and patience would be narly.  There are a lot of subjects flying around that merit the People's opinions and I would love to vent mine to people other than those close to me.  Don't get me wrong, I love my friends and family, I just feel it would be more productive and that I could actually feel getting things off my chest if the world of blog was subjected to it. 
     I am going to try to keep my private life private, but once in a while I may ask your opinion on a problem I'm having.  Please remember, though, that this is my opinion; what I say is whatever is popping into my head, and I will answer to those who question it, but not if you don't offer your voice in a constructive and friendly way.  I am a very open-minded person, which as a Catholic, could get me excommunicated, but what I say is what I feel and I feel I have a lot more common sense than most people. 
     Now, if you read me and know that I may be mistaken or don't have a full grasp on what I am writing about, please feel free to educate me.  One can never have too much education.  Just be nice.
So, on your toes World, when I pontificate my brain farts,  I want to share them with you!

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