Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Song of the Times

     There is a song written for darn near every occasion.  At a lot of weddings you might hear Keeper of the Stars" by Tracy Byrd or "I Swear" by John Michael Montgomery.  At a funeral "Be Not Afraid" or "On Eagle's Wings".  To celebrate a pregnancy "Havin' My Baby".  All you need to do is listen.  I have found a lot of songs that represent my feelings thru my depression and plenty to express my love to someone, but there is one song that always popped into my mind when I am overwhelmed by my really crappy financial situation and I realized today that it should become our National Anthem with the way things are right now in our country.  That song is performmed by my favorite music group STYX.  The song?  "Why Me".  It sooooooooooooo covers the way things are and how people are feeling about it.  Here's the link to it on youtube:  Another good STYX song for our nation is "Suite Madam Blue" (  It was intended as a tribute to our country, but I see it also as a song that questions what has happened.  We used to be the nation on top of the world and now we are falling.  It addresses the desire of those who will still fight for our country, but at the same time, wonders why?  What happened? 
     So many songs, so many purposes. 

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