Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sometimes technology sucks

     Here I am, thinking of a dozen things to write about, but the only thing I'm saying is, sometimes, technology sucks.  My laptop isn't very old and I've already had too many issues with it.  In a week's time after I got it the dang thing went from speedy delivery to slower than snail's pace.  The keyboard is already coming apart and the keys don't like to work unless I bang on them.  Of course, I admit, that eating, drinking, making cigarettes, and whatever near it is not a good idea, but it is hard as hell to clean under these keys. 
     Then there's the screen.  The slightest touch and you have mega-smears.  What are you supposed to use to clean a plasma screen?  And how the hell do these little goodies that mess up your computer get thru the dang ani-virus/anti-adware/anti-spyware program that costs a small fortune? 
     Here's the rub:  is there anyone left in this world who can do anything without the computer?  When I worked at McDonald's, one time, the computers went down.  I just figured that things were gonna end up a bit slower, but you know what the management did?  CLOSED THE STORE!  I almost plotzed.  Why? I asked.  Well, the cash registers won't work so the orders cannot be displayed on the screen and inventory cannot be accounted for.  'Scuze me?  Nobody can do math?  Nobody can write?  Nobody can read?  Hell, I was ready with a calculator I had in my car, a pen, and scrap paper.  I said get a cash drawer out of the safe, it's not closed anyway.  Let's get this moving.  They looked at me like I was insane.  I was told they can't do business that way and closed the store.  On my way out I was telling customers that we were closed due to the comps.  They looked at me like I was insane.  One guy banged on the drive thru window and bitched out the manager for being stupid.  "Get dome paper, a pencil, a drawer of money and get busy!" he screamed.  He was told they can't and shut the window.
     What in the hell are we going to do if the power goes out for good?  We are living our lives under the command of technology.  We are in serious trouble.
     Ever see the movie WALL-E?  That's us in a few years.  Yikes!

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