Thursday, September 15, 2011

Please, shoot me now.

     Okay, it's official.  I have finally lost the last little bit of what was left of my mind. 
     I have always been a generous, caring person, but in the last 3 years I have surpassed my limits.  First, I let my husband's second ex-wife, her boyfriend and her two girls (one of whom is my step-daughter) move in after they got kicked out of yet another apartment.  It was supposed to be for a little while until they find another place.  Seven months later, they finally leave.  It was commplete hell.  My step-daughter has a myriad of mental issues, all of them making her a royal pain in the ass, and my daughter went from being well-mannered and friendly to bossy and bratty with a penchant for some nasty temper-tantrums. 
     After they finally leave we are a nice little family of three again until I got stupid and let another friend move in.  He was working on my van, homeless and here most of the time anyway. Another big mistake.  He turned out to be a snobbish, know-it-all, prick that overshadows his kindness.  I finally get him gone after a few months, BUT then he meets my sister-in-law and guess what?  Right on, y'all, they fell for each other..  What a mix, too.  She's got some serious issues herself and two girls, a 16 yr old computer attachement and a 13 yre old with the same issues as my step-daughter.  They end up here after my sis gets drunk, depresses, mad-as-hell and takes a small overdose.  She hits bottom big time and I rush her to the mental health clinic.  Now I'm her caretaker. 
     TODAY, I come home from errends to be met at the door by my other (spouse) asking me if I want the good news or the bad news.  Oh, shit, now what?  He informs me that his other daughter and her sister (sis's boyfriend's daughter by my others 2nd wife) will be staying for a while because the arrangements made by their mother to stay with the last friend she had in the world didn't work (the mother, having been thrown out of her 3rd place in 3 years, not including mine, had managed a job in another state, but could not take the kids because the courts and their fathers refused to allow it).  Anyway, my other states that we, most likely, will have my step-daughter for the rest of the school year.  Her sister and her Dad will be staying, for I don't know how long, until he finds his own place (he is unemployed and a student).  We now have 9 people living in my 2 bedroom single-wide trailor home.  Yep.  9.  4 Adults, 5 girls, 5 cats,  2 fish, and a partridge in a pear tree. 
     That's the bad news.  What the hell could possibly be the good news?  If my step-daughter stays we'll be requesting child support and her SSI check sent to us.  A little extra income.  Riiiiight.  What are the 9 of us living on at the moment?  My disability, my daughter's SSI, and my sis's disability, about $1300 a month.  Yes, we get food stamps. 
     $1300 sounds like it should work,huh?  NOT!  $225 lot rent, $227 a month gas/electric, $200 a month cable/phone/internet which will most likely grow to add a 3rd television and a 2nd telephone (16 year old, remember?  And two 13 yr olds with friends to call).  Then there's the cost of the gas needed to take 4 of the five to school (no bus and no money to get 8 public trans passes), the cost of all the household necessities, in bulk.  No house insurance, driving dirty.  Seriously bad juju gremlin casting bad vibes around.
     Soooo,  that's the story of my life.  Trying to live by the "what would Jesus do" creedo.  Of course, with my luck, Jesus would have the balls to tell these people to get their heads outta their asses and deal with their problems and tell me to take some of my own fat ass and make a pair of balls. 
     Is that really all it takes?

1 comment:

  1. well my dear friend joyce i say pack it up yourself tell them all where to stick it and come on out to minnesota to live its nice and quite and you will have me to talk to and make you laugh again i sure do miss you
